
Other Blogs

Smitten Kitchen -- a food and life blog that I frequently find inspiration from when I am faced with 25 summer squash from our garden or 10 lbs of scapes from the farmer's market or a craving for chicken pot pie. Every word is written with wit and humor and every recipe is cooked with bravery and abandon.

The Livesay [Haiti] Weblog -- the life and work of the Livesay family, who have been living in Port-au-Prince, Haiti for the past 6 years.

Twinthusiasm -- the adventures of my dear friends Cara and Jim Krenn and their twin daughters, Kelly and Caroline and new baby boy Luke.  Cara also has a great page of gear recommendations based on what has saved her life as a mom of very active twins.  However, her book recommendations are by far my favorite (next to new pictures of her little girls).  As an English major who worked in the Publishing world and a fellow bibliophile, Cara always has something excellent on her bedside reading table.  Also read her new book on surviving your first year with twins!  It is amazing!

Play at Home Mom -- a blog from several stay at home moms that focus on play.  Their emphasis on child led play and playing with your kids really fosters independence, self reliance, and creativity.  Also they always have great craft and game ideas that you can modify to suit your comfort level, great resources for crafting and toy supplies, and a page for meals that freeze well for busy families.  Please note that from time to time this website gives me a complete panic attack, especially any description of their play spaces.  If you feel like an inadequate, horribly boring, freaking terrible mother reading this blog then take a deep breath, pick one thing they did that makes the least amount of mess and of which you have the most ingredients in your house, and start there.  Then breathe some more.

The Homesick Texan -- one of my new favorite food blogs!  This Texan transplanted to New York tries her damnedest to recreate the Texan, Mexican, and Tex-Mex favorites that she loved growing up now that she lives in the Big Apple.  As a California transplanted to the Midwest I really identify with her struggle to recreate classics from her childhood with limited resources and oftentimes limited memory.  You know what you had at that one fabulous place by your house, but you have no idea how to recreate it!  I also love the way she writes about the very personal nature of food, of how it figures so deeply in our memories and psyche.  Good stuff.

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